Our stores
Fotoplus Depot
Address: 7623 Pécs, Megyeri út 59.
Phone Nr.: (72) 516-906
Fax: (72) 516-895
There is our headquarters, our depot and here you can find our offices.

Pécs Árkád
Phone Nr: (72) 523-105
Monday - Wednesday: 09.00-20.00, Thursday - Saturday: 10.00 - 21.00
E-mail: arkad.at.fotoplus.hu

Pécs, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 7
Phone Nr.: (72) 216-743
Monday - Friday: 08.00-18.00, Saturday: 09.00-13.00
E-mail: centrum.at.fotoplus.hu

Budapest showroom and PRO photography specialist
Address: 1117 Budapest, Nádorliget road 7/b.
(In Buda, between Fehérvári and Szerémi roads)
Phone Nr.: +36 (1) 222-4355
Monday - Friday: 09-18.00, Saturday: 09.00-14.00
E-mail: budapest.at.fotoplus.hu